Ruthie is turning 40...can you believe it?? Becky & I took her out to dinner Friday night and then surprised her with cake & ice cream at Mom & Dad's!

I had Mom make sure she had her walker & shawl out and ready to go when we go there for the old lady! :-)
I must tell a funny story about when I picked up the cake. When the cashier saw that someone was turning 40, she said, "Oh, is that your Mom?" (I didn't bother to tell her that I was only 4 years away from 40 myself but it sure did make me feel young!)
Hey the old lady looks pretty good for 40!! I loved the cake and party and the love from my family and friends.
Well, if the lady in the picture is any indication of what the cake people think of 40, no wonder they asked if it was for your mom!!!
Glad you had a great time, way to go Ruthie, keep 'er young!!!
"My" ~~ I "resemble"that remark!! Oh, well, we did have a good time with her.
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