My trip to Wisconsin this summer was awesome due to the wonderful hospitality of my aunt, uncle, & cousins and it started with a couple nights with Aunt Minnie & Uncle Marv...nice to be on the farm again (was there 21 years, that makes me feel old!!). After Aunt Minnie picked me up in Minneapolis we enjoyed a nice dinner @ Famous Dave's on the way back to the farm along with a couple errands. The 2nd night we enjoyed a nice walk on quiet, country roads and then took a tour of the barns!!

The barn from the yard across the street...
The house (behind those trees) and the rest of the farm from the barn side of the street..
What's a trip to the farm without a trip to the barn...this city girl loved to see the impressive activity going on at the farm!!
....these ones too, Aunt Minnie was right...she said they would stop so we had to walk out so they would continue in for their milking!
Nolan saw some people playing horse shoes in the park so he made his own "horse shoe" game with a stick & a paper plate...pretty clever!
Uncle Marv trying to avoid hitting someone's boat after Theo & Shaun gave him a shove back into the water. I did do a small trip in a canoe (w/Uncle Marv) & a kayak (w/Helen) but got no pics for proof! :-(

One night we made pizzas on the BBQ....ok, ok, they may not look so pretty but they sure were good!! :-)
Sarah & I spent a day in Madison, walking around the capitol, etc. and then we met up with Theo, Will, & Becky for dinner! (Will picked a great place, didn't he?? ;-)

She was nervous seeing me there...

The cow puppies were soooo cute!!
Pregnant cow barn...
Pretty view from the back porch...

The 2nd leg of my trip was @ Theo & Sarah's...we all (except for Will & Becky) met on Saturday at a state park for a picnic & fun in the water & then we went back to their house. We all crashed there until Sunday at which time Shaun & Helen & crew and Minnie & Marv went home. I stayed with them until Wednesday.
Aunt Minnie & her "twin" enjoying the water...

Photo session on Sunday afternoon (before Nolan & Theo's wasp stings)...

The last leg of my trip was @ Shaun & Helen's. Aunt Minnie came down for a night and one of the days Minnie, Helen, Nolan, Hannah, & I went downtown & to lunch...Hannah was upset when the waitress didn't take her plate so she sat there like this until she came cute!!
...then we walked down to Riverside Park.

When Aunt Minnie came down for a night, one day she & I went for a river boat ride...the LaCrosse Queen!!