
Recent Going-Ons!

Okay, so I know I have been terrible about keeping my blog updated, so here are some recent going-ons & a promise to do better! :-)
A baseball game...
Becky & I took Reagan & Kaylee bowling one Friday night & then we went back to my house & made ice cream in a bag...fun, fun, fun!!She looked so cute....just sitting there watching the ball roll down the lane!!
He just bowled a good one...he was so happy!!
Reagan & I
What a little stud!
Becky & Kaylee...
...again!! :-)
Being silly!
Most of the ingredients (got the wrong kind of milk but it wasn't bad, but could've been better....next time!!)
Putting them in the bags...
Don't ask! Just being hyper & silly (and super duper tired)!
Looked kinda like mashed potatoes...
A trip to the lovely Lincoln County Fair in Davenport, WA with Brent & Laureen....I'd never been to a small town fair before and boy was it small! :-)
I'm not much of a quilt person but every now & then I see one that I really like and this was one....really neat colors, the picture doesn't really do it justice!!
Tian just chillin', gettin' ready to eat his corn dog!
Lindi scoping out the pigs...she was loving it!
Somebody's breakfast some day...
Not sure what this was about but I didn't ask!
Becky holding Lindi Sunday after lunch so Laureen could eat....she was all tuckered out, what a cutie!
I went to see the kids off to school on their first day, Kaylee for 1st grade and Reagan for 2nd....they're growing up so fast!!
Reagan outside his classroom....
...and Kaylee in hers! She's ready to go!


Ruthie said...

Hey the "ask me about chicken poop" sign is for people who want it for fertilizer in the garden or flowers.. Just a little FYI : P

Mrs. Z said...

Did you put these on earlier today? There isn't anything about the b'day party tonight. Just look at my blog for a more recent update!!

farmermarvswife said...

love the quilt, too! (surprise!!)