Melissa, Becky, & I
enough about me, let's talk about you, what do you think of me?
Look at these adorable little feet!!
All done...boy, it's hot out here!!
She's squirting his head. (I just missed Brian getting his head squirted too!)
The only "pool" I have!!
Playing with the homemade squirt guns that Uncle Carl made.
Oh, and this is what my car said when I got in after work today...true it's a bit off when you first start up but still.....it's hot!!!
Mom, Becky, Izzak, & I rode down together. Our first pit-stop was in lovely Ritzville & another at Multnomah Falls!!
We had sunny weather and....and then some not so sunny weather!! But what do you expect? It's da ocean!!
Relaxing times at the big house....cleaning crab (I think that's what you'd call it!)
Having a fish fry (thanks to the 4 fishers!) and I'm pleased to announce I tried Shaun's fish and actually liked it!!
Eating, visiting, playing, goofing off....
Aquarium in Newport and a couple Light Houses in between Newport & Lincoln City and some awesome views along the way here & there--climbed up in both light houses!! :o)
Look at that goofy-looking tourist? Oh, that's Aunt Minnie!! :o)
The different generations & families....
The End!!! Hard to believe it's over...Becky & I started planning it 3 years ago and it seemed like so far away but now it's come & gone. Was so fun to see everyone & missed the ones who weren't there!! Can't wait for the next one in 2013!!!